Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

2 Days and Counting!

December 15, 2009

Hi All,

Corey just called me and even though he was hoarse from having bronchitis again, he sounded great! He's knows it's been some time since he's written a letter for his blog and he plans to post a complete update about his last several weeks of basic.

His company was delayed getting into blue phase because several kids in another platoon were caught stealing and gambling with a home made deck of cards. This made things tougher than necessary and frustrated Corey...he says the worst part of basic is doing everything right and still getting punished because of others' mistakes.

The weather has been awful in Kentucky, raining a lot and very cold. It caused his final field exercise (FTX) to be cut to 2 days. The cool thing though is the concluding ceremony when the recruits formally transition into soldiers. Corey said the senior drill Sergeant (his DS) spoke to them all and then they were given their berets. They can't wear them again until graduation.

The 15k wasn't too bad. It is on the hill named "misery" which is flatter than "agony" and thus easier, even though it is longer. Corey's backpack strap broke and he had to march holding his pack on his back.

Corey did well in his final PT test and came in 4th in his platoon. (That's the top 10%!) He will also be wearing 2 medals on his dress uniform, 1 for sharpshooter on the rifle, and 1 for expert in grenades. He will have the chance to earn others at AIT.

Corey came in 2nd to be the guidon bearer for his platoon at graduation. His DS called him and another soldier together and said they were tied. He asked Corey a question about the chain of command and he missed it, ...

Corey's made some very good friends and David and I will get the chance to meet them and their families. The boys have made plans that we will all go out to lunch together after graduation. Also, Corey's become quite friendly with a fellow named Jeremy who will also be going to Fort Sam Houston for Medic AIT. They plan to meet up to travel to San Antonio and tour the city the day before they have to report for training.

Can't wait to see Corey. Kentucky, here we come!


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Coming Home

Corey called his Dad this afternoon to tell us that he can leave the post after graduation on 12/17 . (Instead of 6:00 am the next morning!) Corey said he is well, sounded great and is happy that tomorrow is the last day of training.